This is the post I look forward to creating each year, the 2017 Highlights. The reason why I enjoy this so much is because it is a selection of my favourite images i’ve taken throughout the year which isn’t limited by genre. Quite often as a commercial photographer you never get to choose your favourite image from a shoot as your favourite may not meet the vision of the intended purpose.

I have selected a few images from across various photoshoots this year and hope you enjoy the alternative look at my work.

A lot has changed since last year, just over 2 months ago I launched a new company “Scorpion Media”, this was brought about by a local need of my clients for Web Design, Graphic Design and Print services. Since offering these services I am now kept very busy and will be looking at expanding next year, keeping my eye out for fresh talent. This is working out great for me as the projects also facilitate the photography which is the part I enjoy doing the most.

For next year I plan to shoot more vehicles of today as well as all the classics I shoot, I plan to combine still photography with CGI and will try my hardest to break into large advertising projects globally.

My personal goals will be to finally move into my home, I have been saving hard with my fiancee and hopefully 2018 will be the year I get the key to my own home. Once this is achieved I think it is about time I married my fiancee who I have been with for 7 years now. I wish everyone the best for 2018 and looking forward to seeing and working with you again.